Spring 2018-Spring 2019
ChatBot Design
Independent Study Colloquium
This course involved student-driven, instructor-guided research about the topic of Artificial Intelligence. I tried building bots using various programs (RECAST AI, SAP Conversational AI) before deciding to use Dialogflow
As a Google product, it seemed most likely to continue existing, while also being likely the easiest to integrate with my Google site.
Designing the chatbot required extensive research on natural language processing, conversational design, and becoming familiar with the bot building process, using advanced features of programs beyond simple word processing. Creating a chatbot that would be an asset (or even remotely useful) for students demanded a more developed semester curriculum on my end and more research into possible uses. Luckily, I was simultaneously taking Composition Theory and one major assignment in that course was an annotated bibliography project. I was able to incorporate that assignment into my chatbot development.
I spent substantial time designing dialogue for the bot that covered the class-related topics that I believed would be useful and practical. After selecting content for the bot, I identified the potential/probable user intents and wrote the conversational dialogue based on vocabulary and concepts that I had identified while combing the content of my google classroom site.
I met with my classmates to further determine what specific questions or assistance that they might seek from a course specific bot and I met with various department instructors to discuss the bot's potential administrative uses.
CHATBOT Dashboard
Through active testing and personal use of the bot, the flaws in my dialogue and kinks in my programming would become obvious and I would attempt to reprogram or repair whatever had caused the failed communication.
Composition Theory
This annotated bibliography is another example of conducting primary and/or secondary research that will add to knowledge. I practiced my general research skills, by searching for articles and studies that examined and evaluated the pedagogical uses of bots. My research found that there were mixed responses to the use of bots in the classrooms. The majority of studies examined the frequent use of bots as tools to improve second language acquisition.
The conclusion of my research was that a course-specific chatbot, that is deployable over multiple media channels could assist students in organizing and accessing their coursework, assist the instructor by absorbing unnecessary communications (due dates, navigation issues, assignment clarification) and overall improve user experience by making the class more accessible.
Creating this Bibliography demonstrated my knowledge of discourse community conventions by citing source material accurately according to specific style guides required by discourse community and genre. The research involved in this project provided ample opportunity to practice my general and secondary research skills.
Annotated Bibliography
Writing Software Documentation
I adapted the existing Dialogflow documentation for creating and launching a chatbot using a cognitive design approach. My documentation focused on addressing the specific needs of my target audience of bot-building novices.
Demographically diverse but completely unfamiliar with the process, I thought that most beginners, like me, would likely have substantial difficulty following the technical jargon and the confusing language found in the available Dialogflow documentation.
I created a more simplified but complete procedure, starting from the point of signing up for an account. These revisions demonstrate specific strategies for addressing particular audience constraints and show my ability to adapt texts and other products to diverse audiences. The written instructions on my paper and site follow the Microsoft Manual of Style guidelines.
(link to official Website documentation)
The follow-up project was to create a storyboard and record a video of the procedure, personally walking users through the process of building a bot. The final project in the class was to create a comprehensive help site for Dialogflow users. Both assignments are provided below.